Contoh Dan Pengertian Dari Recount Text Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta
Well guys, kali
ini Mas Alee akan membahas tuntas tentang apa itu recount text. Kami
akan menjelaskan tentang macam-macam, definisi/fungsi, struktur teks, unsur
kebahasaan dan juga contoh dari recount text.
1. Macam-macam recount text.
Recount text memiliki beberapa macam
jenis teks yang bisa digunakan untuk Anda menulis. Disesuaikan dengan tujuan
dari tulisan itu sendiri. Macam-macam jenis recount text bisa dilihat di
bawah ini:
Personal recount
adalah jenis recount
text yang berfungsi menceritakan tentang pengalaman pribadi penulis.
Factual recount
adalah jenis recount
text yang berfungsi untuk menyajikan laporan peristiwa yang benar-benar
terjadi, seperti laporan percobaan ilmu pengetahuan ataupun laporan kepolisian.
adalah jenis recount text yang berfungsi menyajikan sebuah
cerita imaginatif. Lebih fokus kepengalaman yang memotivasi pembaca/pendengar.
Lalu menuliskan peristiwa atau kejadian yang telah terjadi.
Definisi dan fungsi recount text.
Recount text adalah suatu jenis teks yang isinya menceritakan kembali suatu kejadian
nyata atau kegiatan yang dialami seseorang di masa lampau. Kejadian tersebut bisa
jadi baik ataupun pengalaman buruk namun bertujuan untuk menceritakan kembali
kisah nyata di masa lalu sekaligus menghibur pembacanya.
Struktur teks (generic structure).
struktur teks dari recount text adalah sebagai berikut:
- Orientation: pengenalan informasi tentang
tokoh atau pelaku (Who), tempat (Where), alasan umum knapa kenapa kejadian
itu terjadi (Why) dan kapan peristiwa atau kegiatan itu terjadi (When).
Contoh :
Last year, my classmates and I drove to Borobudur Temple. We went
there by one of our friend’s car. We started to go there at ten o’clock pm. It
took us 6 hours to arrive. Along the road, we saw a big garden with a lot of kind of flowers and a big swimming pool
and many vehicles, unique houses, prominent buildings and so on. We went there
because we had long weekend after school examination.
- Events: serangkaian peristiwa atau
kegiatan yang diceritakan secara berurutan mulai dari awal hingga ke titik
informasi yang penting/menghibur. Biasanya diceritakan secara berurutan
seperti : ‘In the first day... . In
the next day... . In the last day...’
Arriving at Borobudur temple, one of my friends went to buy tickets.
Then, we entered into Borobudur temple area. There, we went up to the top of
the temple. Borobudur temple was built at Budur Village, Magelang, Central Java
by Syailendra Dynasty. It’s the biggest temple in the world. We took pictures
of several from 504 statues and 1.400 reliefs. From the top of the temple we could
see such beautiful scenery. My friends and I went around the temple
together almost 3 hours. Finally, after having some visits, we should go to the
hotel to rest and had some fun outing around Jogja And Magelang.
- Re-orientation:
tahapan terakhir, penulis bisa menuliskan rangkuman dari semua peristiwa
atau kejadian yang diceritakan. Penulis juga bisa menuliskan komentar atau
kesan personal terhadap peristiwa atau kejadian yang telah terjadi.
We felt tired that day but we were so happy to visit Jogja and
Magelang which are well-known as one of the greatest legacies Indonesia has
ever had. We finally backed
around 2 AM on the next day, it was late, but we had so much fun. I would love
to go back to there again.
4. Unsur kebahasaan
Recount text biasanya memiliki unsur kebahasaan tertentu, contohnya sebagai
kata benda tertentu sebagai kata ganti orang,
seperti nama orang.
menggunakan kata kerja bentuk lampau, misalnya
went, visited, worked, dll.
kata penghubung waktu untuk mengurutkan
kejadian, misalnya after, before, then, after that, dll.
kata kerja yang menunjukkan peristiwa atau
kegiatan, misalnya stayed, climbed, wrote, dll.
kata/frasa keterangan untuk menunjukkan waktu,
tempat, dan cara, misalnya yesterday, last year, at home, slowly, carefully,
Nah itu dia guys
penjelasan mengenai definisi, fungsi, struktur teks, dan juga unsur kebahasaan
dari recount text. Agar lebih jelas lagi, kalian bisa membaca satu
contoh recount text pada text dibawah ini. Check it out guys!
Jogja And Magelang
Last year, my classmates and I drove to Borobudur Temple. We went
there by one of our friend’s car. We started to go there at ten o’clock pm. It
took us 6 hours to arrive. Along the road, we saw a big garden with a lot of kind of flowers and a big swimming pool
and many vehicles, unique houses, prominent buildings and so on. We went there
because we had long weekend after school examination.
Arriving at Borobudur temple, one of my friends went to buy tickets.
Then, we entered into Borobudur temple area. There, we went up to the top of
the temple. Borobudur temple was built at Budur Village, Magelang, Central Java
by Syailendra Dynasty. It’s the biggest temple in the world. We took pictures
of several from 504 statues and 1.400 reliefs. From the top of the temple we could
see such beautiful scenery. My friends and I went around the temple
together almost 3 hours. Finally, after having some visits, we should go to the
hotel to rest and had some fun outing around Jogja And Magelang.
We felt tired that day but we were so happy to visit Jogja and
Magelang which are well-known as one of the greatest legacies Indonesia has
ever had. We finally backed around 2 AM on the next day, it was late, but we
had so much fun. I would love to go back to there again.
guys, itu dia sebuah contoh recount text . Setelah membaca
contoh diatas, ayo coba buat recount text tentang pengalaman pribadi,
factual ataupun imaginative kalian. Apabila kalian tertarik untuk mempelajari
jenis-jenis teks lainnya dalam bahasa Inggris, yuk gabung segera dengan English
With Mas Alee. Sebuah lembaga bahasa Inggris yang berlokasi di “Kampung Inggris
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